Importing from Maya?

I have about 8 models that I put together in Maya, but I’m having trouble importing them into unity. I’ve tried exporting to FBX, dae and .ma/mb and nothing seems to work. Whenever I import the model into unity, the “main” mesh dissapears…gone…not there…ever. What could be causing this? Everything works fine in Maya, I can import the exported model fine. I have another model I imported from FBX that worked just fine, so that has me even more confused… :?

it’s probably the default unity scale which is set to 0.01 for some reason.

I had the same problem in 3dsmax where I like to work at 1 unit = 1 meter. That way when unity scale is 1. 3dsmax and unity meshes both match perfectly.

select your mesh in assets, look in the inspector under Fbx Import. You will see the default setting of scale 0.01 set that to 1 like in the image below and you should be able to see it at a useable scale.

Someone pointed out the other day, the quickest way to check the mesh is there is to press the ‘f’ key to have the viewport focus on the selected mesh. That zooms the camera onto that object.

See if that helps.

It seems to be a common problem no matter what 3D application you use. The meshes load at such a tiny scale that they are invisible until you change the sale.

It doesn’t seem to be the scale factor. Things are just… weird. Some meshes that are visible in Maya dont show up in Unity. It seems like some meshes are’nt being exported. Strange because it is affecting so many files… Any idea what could be causing this?

Can you export to FBX from Maya and then import back to Maya (or some other 3d package) successfully? If so I would like to get hands on your model… :slight_smile:

Paulius Liekis
Unity Technologies

Realy intrested in a fix for this… The models export and re-import into maya fine aslong as they are in .ma format. Fbx format has trouble re-importing, but that shouldnt be a problem as Unity imports .ma fine (as proved by other models). Perhaps others can figure out what is going on. It looks like it may have something to do with subdivided geometry.

The attached models are not my creation, I got them off TurboSquid.

I think your object is a subd, try converting it to polygon


ya. Make sure it is converted to polygons.

Also do a freeze transformations on them and delete all the history

Unity always goes through FBX exporter (i.e. it exports from Maya to FBX using Mel script and then imports FBX file using FBX SDK), so if you see problem when exporting FBX and then importing back to Maya it usually means that problem is on Maya side. You should try talking to Autodesk support or talking on some Autodesk/Maya/FBX forums - they might be able to provide more information.

Paulius LIEKIS
Unity Technologies