Importing fur from Maya

I’m having trouble importing fur from maya. Does anyone have any advice, or a tutorial they can point me to?

Good luck with that. :stuck_out_tongue:

To my knowledge there’s no hair/fur rendering system for Unity, much less one that plays nice with Maya. Fur is frankly pretty rare in games, and it’s handled completely differently for realtime applications (games) than it is for pre-rendered ones (Maya).

Unity fur shader! But yeah, there’s no standard for fur, so you won’t be importing it from Maya.


Thanks guys! I figured there might be some trouble, but I wanted to get some kind of confirmation on what could or couldn’t be done.

The Unity Fur Shader that Eric5h5 posted was updated and now works on Unity 3. It’s not comparable with what you can do in Maya, but is pretty cool and works well. Give it a try.