Importing Iteration Every Time I Compile

I recently upgraded to Unity 2019.4 (in order to gain access to android API 29 for google play). Now, every single time I compile I have to wait about 30 seconds for “Importing (Iteration 2)”. This significantly reduces my productivity, obviously. How can I fix?

Reverting your project to the V1 asset pipeline fixes this. To do this:

Edit > Project Settings > Editor > Asset Pipeline: Mode dropdown - Version 1 (deprecated).

I do not know what depreciation means on this context. So far it seems to work, though I may run into some nastiness in the future and someone pretending to be in the know will be able to claim “I told you so” with a smug look on their face. Regardless I am adventurous, and am willing suffer the unknown cost of “depreciation” for the moment.

Sarcasm aside, if someone wants to fill me in on what can happen using the old asset pipeline, I would be more than grateful.

I had the exact same issue.

I solved it by removing :

private void OnValidate() {...}

It is an internal function that gets called as the value in inspector or script is loaded (Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnValidate())

This was called everytime I save (ctrl + s) for all the corresponding objects and I had a function that controls the different gameObject active/deactivate. It was somehow affecting all the root_orders of any prefabs that I didn’t even touch.

As I remove them from OnValidate, it’s all gone completely.