Importing large amount of 3d files - any workarounds?

Hi - I have a use case where i need to import and maintain a large quantity of 3d files. As far as i know there is no way to import multiple 3d models at the same time - So currently i’m looking at doing this manually, possibly thousands of times which sounds pretty tedious. Any model created always spawns in the root of the 3DModels folder, regardless of what folder is highlighted in the project browser, and the same goes for the Prefabs spawned.

First question:
Is there any sort of workaround to enable automatically importing multiple objects at a time or in a row?

Second question:
Since 3.0 all imports work the same way; create a SO that handles the “connection” to the file on disk, which can then generate a prefab. If i wanted to have a specific folder structure handling hundreds or thousands of imported objects, i now can’t - since importing or re-making a prefab will always spawn any model in the root of the 3DModels folder. Is there any way to make the plugin at least save the prefab in the folder that the SO is located?

Hi @LarsNoerby
Thanks for your feedback. We are aware of this limitation and are working internally to propose a solution.
We will keep you in touch soon.