OK, I’ve tried it every way possible that i can think of including how the HOW TO recomends and it just doesn’t work. could it be considered a bug that it does not work?
Could someone varify that it is possible?
The reson i’m trying to figure this out is because I have a scene with over a hundred textures that i need to get into Unity. I’m not looking forward to reattaching all the textures inside Unity.
FWIW, this has never worked for me either but I haven’t had scenes with enough texture complexity for it to bug me. Would be really cool if it was fixed though.
Just out of curiosity, if the exporter is set to embed the texture in the FBX file, can Unity be set up to load the texture from the FBX? Or by “embed” does it mean, “embed a reference”?
I’d just like to say i am really impressed with the responsiveness of bug issues from OTEE!
I’ve been working with the trial version of Unity and have come accross 2 bugs. one with Unity and one with the FBX Exporter. Both issues have been addressed and i still have 5 days left in my trial period. That’s impressive!
Thanks Joachim!
So now i have to ask. Will the next release be available for me to test this import workaround before my trial period (5 days) is up? :lol:
Unfortunately this was not solvable. Apparently the Lightwave FBX exporter has a bug that does not assign textures to materials correctly.
Exported Lightwave FBX objects come into Unity fine and Unity will create Materials fine even if you have multiple textures/UV’s per mesh. You just have to reapply all your textures to the appropriate materials within Unity.
I’m adding this to the forums because there’re some discrepancies in other posts as well as the HOW-TO on importing from Lightwave. Hopefully this will save some of the new Lightwave/Unity users a number of hours trying figure this out.
I’ve been really impressed with Unity. Hopefully a seamless workflow from Lightwave to Unity will be addressed in future updates.