Importing loop in Mac OSX

I am experiencing problems adapting a project to iOS. First of all, I saved a backup project and opened it on a Mac (It was a windows project). It gave me some warnings like "3ds'.max' file importing is not supported on OS X." but everything else looked fine. Until I changed the platform to iOS. It reimported the project and now, every time I try to do anything, it starts importing assets again, and it stays in a constant importing loop.

Every time Unity is on focus, it starts importing the project assets.

Any clue what could be happening? I've done that before with other projects, but never happened something like that.


Hey! I just solved the problem. It was always reimport the assets with accents on the file name, like acute accent, tilde... Just renamed those.

Thanks for everyone who tried to solve that!

Im having the same issue, but with unity throwing errors about maya, what did you do to fix your project? assets with acceents on file name ?
