Importing models in psd


I have version 2018.3.0f2 of Unity. When i try to import model in psd I got an error: PsdInvalidException: LayerInfo signature invalid, must be 8BIM or 8B64.
How can I fix this?

psd? this is image format of adobe Photoshop.
Are you sure you got thing right?

Yes, I have 2D PSD Importer version 1.0.0 so everything should’ve been allright. And I import model in psb not psd.

I have exact issue. Did you find out how to solve this?

Not yet. But I’m still looking for solution.

How can everyone successfully import psb files? I can’t move on to draw. It’s so frustrating that there is no one on the internet saying anything about this.

Yo yo! I found a solution. I was saving Photoshop file in CS6 version of Photoshop. And I opened it with an old Photoshop version (CS3) and saved it as PSB (not PSD). So it worked. Note that it shows two times each layer. One of them is not the right one to pull to project, the other one is the layer you need.


4076431--355366--Untitled-1 copy.JPG

Oh god, thanks bro :smile:
I’ll check it tomorrow and I’ll tell if it worked.


Do sent us the file to check. This is mainly due to certain data from the file wasn’t read properly.


Sadly I can’t it’s too large

Oh yea! I checked your solution and it worked! Thank you! ^^4085764--356653--upload_2019-1-10_19-46-40.jpg

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It is a shame that new photoshop versions have this problem. But yeah, I’m happy that you’ve got your answer. Btw, nice character model there.