I’m just getting started with Unity3D, but I’ve been using Blender for a long time. Unity natively imports Blender files very well, but I can’t seem to use specific objects in my hierarchy. In Blender, I make a lot of separate objects in one file, which I find to be a much more convenient workflow. Am I better off keeping each model in its own separate *.blend file, or is there a way to specify particular components or sub-objects when adding the assets to my hierarchy in Unity?
For everyone who wants an answer to this (incl myself): You better keep them as seperate blend files. This article gives a good briefing to blender in unity and covers this topic:
This thread is 3 years old, but It’s still very boring to make 150 .blend files when you could have just one with your 150 meshes.
Is there still no way to access by script a specific mesh from a .blend file that contains multiple meshes ?
Another option is to use the built-in FBX exporter in Blender, which gives you more fine-grained control of how objects are exported. Specifically the Batch mode, in which you can select either ‘Scene’ or ‘Group.’ This will create one FBX file for each Scene or Group.
You can easily select each object that you want to make into a prefab, hit Ctrl+G, then export using the Batch->Group option.
This creates one FBX file per group, and usefully for me only exports objects that are assigned to a group, so things I use as scaffolding (meshes that get extruded along Paths for instances) are not included.
Sorry to necro, but this is still top result for this question; new information because Blender 2.79b (maybe 2.79 onwards) fixes the Batch by Group mode in the FBX exporter. It was unstable in 2.78.
Would be neat to have an ‘import by group’ option in Unity though!