Importing Problems

This thread is for all the people having problems importing their assets or projects to Unity 5.

I just tried importing my recent project but it stuck during the import of a .dll data of the Photon Cloud package.
Anyone got the same problem?

Mine would hang on ‘Importing Small Assets’

Changing the extension to files with OnPostprocessAllAssets, so they’d be ignored, seemed to fix it.

!(GetPersistentManager ().IsStreamLoaded (pathName) && !GetPersistentManager ().HasMemoryOrCachedSerializedFile (pathName))

I get this every time i load my project. It seems to run ok, but this is weird. And its every time I load it up.

Simple answer for all reports here; this is beta, please file a bug through the bugreporter.

I filed a bug report on this, but just mentioning the problem I had when importing/upgrading a new project from Unity 4.5.x to Unity 5.0 beta:

During the importing and upgrading of the project, I got a “Runtime Error! … [file path name] R6025 - pure virtual function call”. Then the import progress would be canceled. And it happens every time I try to upgrade the same project.

Like I said though, I did file a report.