Importing scaling joints into Unity

We are building a character for our application.

Do anybody know how Unity will handle scaling Joints?
Will it import them as an animation?

Our character inflate and deflate so we need to be able to scale the joints.

Any help…


Unity supports bone scaling in animations (non-uniform scale in fact). You should be fine.

One warning though if you’re using maya - maya has an option for bone scaling called “scale compensation” which defaults to being ON. This makes bones further down a chain ignore the scale changes of their parent(s), so you could theoretically scale up your neck joint without having the head change size at all… this does not get preserved by maya’s FBX exporter though, so it won’t show up properly in unity.

In short, turn off automatic scale compensation for your bones in maya to get consistent results between maya and unity. You can use constraints to have scale compensation in your rig that actually bakes/exports properly if you really need it.

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Nice one PirateNinjaalliance, thanks for your help!

May I ask an other question relative to Maya and Unity…

On the first draft from my Maya guy I had same problems with the textures of the character ( I got three files .mb, .jpg and .tga).
There is anything we should do in Maya to export the texture with the character? Or a way to import them into Unity? or just drop the texture into your character in he Unity environment (that’s what I did but I just got a white uniform mesh…)?


It’s hard to say what the problem is based on your description, but under normal circumstances, you don’t have to do anything special for your textures to just show up. Here’s some things to look at…

Your materials you were using in maya show up as seperate files in unity’s asset list. Find your material, drag and drop it onto your model to make sure its properly applied. Also, make sure the material is using the 2Dtexture its supposed to (a thumbnail of the texture will be visible in the inspector in the top right when you have the material selected). If the thumbnail isn’t showing up right, drag and drop your texture from your asset list into the thumbnail’s place.

If that still isn’t working, make sure your maya artist properly set up the model’s UV’s, and isn’t trying to apply a texture with one of maya’s projection types or something weird like that. The only texture application that will be preserved from maya is via UV’s.

How does it feel to get it right all the time!

I talk to the Maya artist and, like you said:

he was applying the texture using same strange method in Maya…


Haha, a few years of art school will teach you all the ways you can possibly screw up. :slight_smile:

follow this step-

1.Unwrap-UV of your character
2.go to photoshop and paint uv texture . final texture into .jpeg , .psd or .tga
4.creat new lambert in maya and assign your texture on character
5.make a new folder on desktop and copy your texture file into your folder
6.export character .fbx farmat in same folder where you have all ready put your texture.
7.drag “new folder” in unity

you can see your assign texture on your character
