Importing SteamVR plugin puts project in infinite loop (XR has been disabled)

I imported the SteamVR plugin, after a minute or so I get a popup saying this:

“XR has been disabled in your project as you are using the deprecated XR integration (previously configured in Player/XR Settings). Please use “XR Plug-in Management” in “Project Settings” to enable XR.”

However I have already enabled XR Plug-in Management in Project Settings, and this is a new project created a few days ago in Unity 2020.1 so I don’t think it should contain any old settings.

And when I press Ok or close this popup it goes back to “Importing…” and “resolving packages…” which is impossible to cancel, and after a while I get the same XR popup and the project is stuck in an infinite loop. Killing the process and reopening the project goes back into the same loop… I have to manually delete the Assets/SteamVR folders

Edit: It’s the same on Windows. Seems to be caused by SteamVR not being compatible with with Unity 2020.1 but the problem is that it’s impossible to get out of the import-loop.

I was having the same problem earlier today, I think the window that keeps popping up about wanting you to change the XR settings is just a bug, and can be ignored.
I made a new unity project, then imported the SteamVR plugin - before everything could finish importing that window probably popped up for me 5-10 times and I just closed it and ignored it every time.
Eventually it finished importing everything and I was able to continue on my way without any further problems.

Still not exactly sure what the window message is about, its come up again from time to time and I just continue ignoring it and havn’t had any other problems.

Edit→Project Settings→XR plugin management→Oculus XR plugin install

I’ve been running into this same issue for a while now, did you ever find a way to fix this? Thank you!

If you are encountering this issue each time you switch back to Unity after making a change to a script, one temporary workaround I’ve found is to introduce an error into the script and save it just before switching back to Unity. Unity will not attempt to re-import scripts with errors. Then when you need to run it, remove the error, and Unity will attempt to re-import everything. This cuts back on the number of times the re-import occurs.

Also, I recommend NOT following Ushi-Son’s advice above unless you have a specific need for the Oculus XR plugin, but if you do try it and decide to remove it, you have to both deselect it from the XR Plug-in Management AND remove the package it installs from your package manager.

Edit: It seems like you can avoid re-importing when you need to run by playing from the debugger with “Attach to Unity and Play” if using Visual Studio. Once it starts, you can switch to Unity and do what you need to.

Same terrible issue. It is driving me insane. How is this even a thing?

Devs, this is absurd. It’s ruined two projects now - I have to start things over and re-import everything. Please, PLEASE fix this…

Happening in 2020.1.15f1. Has anyone filed a bug report for this? It’s highly frustrating.

It is really frustrating. SteamVR is a highly used plugin for VR Games, how can it still be so hard to just get SteamVR support for my game? Do i really need to keep using Unity 2019 in 2021 just because of SteamVR?

I could import SteamVR Plugin 2.6.1 package in Unity 2020.1.14f1 without getting stuck in the import-loop. Don’t have my VR headset nearby so I can’t verify if everything’s working, but it looks good so far.

Valve introduced an update in their github project. I just downloaded the project (v2.7.2) and open it with Unity 2020.1.17f1 and the mentioned error message only appeared once. I checked at it seems they have integrated the new XR Input with OpenVR.