Importing Unity Render Streaming Package Crashes on VR Template

We’re trying to implement a WebRTC based calling app on VR headsets (Vive Focus 3, Meta Quest 3). Using the basic VR template, whenever we import the WebRTC and Unity Render Streaming Packages, deploying them crashes the app on the headsets themselves.

We do not import any samples.The packages work fine on non VR devices.

The VR template also deploys successfully when we do not import the WebRTC and Render Streaming packages.

We even tried this with a basic 3D template with the built-in XR plugin + Oculus/WaveXR addons, and it still crashes.

Edit (more info): We are using WebRTC 3.0.0-pre.7, Unity Render Streaming 3.1.0-exp.7 with Unity 2022.3.16f1

Fixed, downgrading Unity works (same WebRTC and Unity Render Streaming versions)

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What did you downgrade to? I’m having the same issue with 2022.3.10f1

In my investigation, it worked when I removed Vulkan/automatic graphics API and switched to OpenGLES3, also optimize frame pacing on might be an issue too. Both in project settings

Hey @everone,

Just started with Unity WebRTC Package, I’m having the similar issue. I found that whenever I install WebRTC and build & run it’s crashing my application (tried on Meta Quest Pro). It works fine when I run in Unity and connect with Headset with Quest Link. I am using Unity 2022.3.41f1, WebRTC 3.0.0-pre.7.