The window used to open right below the button, that’s a regression.
Good point, would be better to turn it into a in-window overlay that’s independent of focus inside Unity and that you have to dismiss explicitly.
A simple short-term relief would be to remember the entered values. The window would still close but when re-opened you can continue where you left off.
Just copy both and use Win + V
Or write as com.unity.collections@2.4.0-pre.5
I think Unity might of taken this post to heart. I think I saw several changes to the package manager in the new version released today, but not sure what all there are until the release notes come out.
Ah okay so they are updating some of the API for packages that is used to install stuff from the package manager first, than updating the UI in it. Some of the API landed today and that is what I saw in the changes, but none of the UI stuff has landed. I honestly don’t even know what all is being down UI side of things, but if I find out I can update this post.