Improve your Unity game by adding x86 support. Win Stuff

With the launch of 4.6, we also included x86 support for Android, check the steps on how to produce a FAT APK that includes both x86 and ARM libraries.

We’ve got a giant pot of prizes to give away as part of a sweepstakes, we’ve thrown in some Unity 5 Pro Licenses and Intel have very kindly provided 50 Tablets and 30 SSD’s. All you need to do is add x86 support to your existing or new Android app, add the phrase “Optimized for Intel x86 mobile devices” in the description of the app and send us link by filling out the entry form by Feb 14, 2015 4PM PST (Pacific Standard Time).

Wondering what kind of performance boost you can get as a result of x86? Jumpstart (School of Dragons) have published their performance results


The instructions just say to build for android. I’m assuming this means that by building with 4.6 or higher you are including x86 support?

you can choose to include x86 compatibilty or not in device filter (in Other Settings panel of Player Settings):
FAT (ARM7 + x86)

Shame it adds so much to the binary size (+6.2mb for my app).

I actually bought a Android tablet after entering this contest but saw none that used Intel processors so I bought a Android with ARM processor.

I did buy a Windows tablet for almost the same price as the Android tablet I bought (~$75) and lo and behold it is Windows 8.1 64 bit OS complete running on HW nearly the same as my super expensive 3 year PC tablet except for tablet size and a couple of minor features. Whoa, OK.

Discovered you can make multiple apks so have built an x86 one and entered the competition :slight_smile:

There is a bug in the signup form though in that after you submit you’re asked more questions and then filling that in takes you to a pro license giveaway competition that apparently ended months ago.

Is that still there?

And, if you fill that too, it keeps taking you to the same old form in a loop :stuck_out_tongue:

In regards to the entry deadline, on both the entry form page and the terms and conditions for the contest the date is stated as 14 Feb 2015 as opposed to 31 Jan 2015 stated here. Would it be possible to get some clarification as to the date of the official deadline?

That date was changed from 31 Jan to 14 Feb yesterday, due to high demand. The OP in this thread wasn’t updated in a while.

@Devil_Inside Thank you very much for the clarification! I must have missed the Facebook post in my feed, I really need to get around to cleaning that up one of these days…

By careful not to enter more than once as others have done because the entry webpage cycles. It might get you disqualified.

Correct, the date has changed to Feb 14th, sorry I missed out on changing it in the OP. It’s been changed now though.

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This page from a drawing for a Unity Pro License that expired in 20140822 still show up after you finish entering the Android / Intel x86 drawing:

Is that true? Because I filled that too just in case :frowning:

Not sure how those forms get submitted but I do know originally I thought the second set of forms was a separate but still active drawing for a Unity Pro license so I filled it out too but in the comments section I did not include a link in the Asset Store to my i86 app because I thought it was a separate drawing. However, the previous submission I did have the link to my Google Play app.

So today I got an email stating my submission did not contain a link to my Google Play app so if I were to guess I’d guess my 1st submission, the correct one with the link to the i86 app, was overwritten by the second incorrect submission that I made without the link to i86 app.

If both of your submissions contained that link I believe the rest of the other information collected was the same so you’re good to go. If you want to be sure however, I’d submit one more time, correctly, so that you know you are entered.

I just got that e-mail too! I submitted the form one more time. I just hope I don’t get disqualified because of multiple submissions :frowning:

So winners would be announced on February 14th?

Edit: Stupid webpage cycles it asked me my info several times and some survey questions. Fortunately it asked me for a Google Play link once only. Is it normal?

Have the winners been announced?

Were there any actual winners…