IN-30145 - Probe volume reflection probe normalization is always invalid 2022.2

Doesn’t work anymore in 2022.2, IN-30145

We recently got a “fix” for this, but not backported, though if you are using a custom branch it is trivial to add it on your end if you want.


Just to give a bit of context, the refl probe normalization most of the time actually does the right thing, but is very easy to hit at last a single back face; when that happens with previous code the refl probe would immediately think it is completely in an invalid position and will discard the data.

We’ll probably backport the fix as we process your back, but I included the snippet above just in case is needed before


“Baked reflection probe normalization data is invalid.” - Why do you get this warning on reflection probes on a basic scene with AVP enabled? Is this the issue you are referring to? I see that it goes away after baking in Unity 2023.1, but not in Unity 2022.2.15

Hi, do you have repro step for this issue as we don’t reproduce it ? (and on which version), thanks

I’m using Unity 2022.2.15 HDRP and it just remains present all the time.

Here is an example project:!An99pWyNHVKijgckikSU80vfI4yL?e=Eacats

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Just caught this issue working on my solo dev project. Latest Unity 2022.3.0 LTS release using HDRP 14.0.7. Same error on my reflection probe when I bake with Adaptive Probe Volumes enabled. Interestingly enough I see the code fix (seen above) when I checked ProbeReferenceVolume.ReflProbeNormalization.cs

Yeah, seems to still happen. I remember testing it by adding the above code manually a while ago and the issue persisted.

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I’m using unity 2023.2.0a17

When i bake the probes from baking settings it says the data is valid

but when i move any reflection probe the reflection changes and it says the data is invalid and if i create new one it says the data is invalid

Bug it’s still present in 2022.3.2.LTS, will the fix be backported?

This is expected, if you move the probe data needs to be rebaked (from the lighting tab, simply baking the reflection probe will not fix it)

The fix has been backport on 22.3, maybe you are seing something else

Strange, since I was having this problem I tried my scene in 2023 and reflection probes normalization do work. In 2022 LTS the still say “normalization data is invalid”

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Same for me, it’s just broken in 2022.3.

The issue is still present in 2022.3. Can confirm in an empty/fresh project.


can you file a bug report please, i didn’t manage to repro

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This is still happening in unity 2022.3.14f1 HDRP

This happens if you make a clean project and add reflection probe there and bake it


You need to bake lighting (so from the lighting pannel) for the reflection probe normalization to be computed. Baking the probe from the reflection probe inspector will not do anything.
Note that this is fixed on 23.3 but the fix cannot be backported

Even when baking from the lighting or probe volume settings window, the normalization data will still be invalid no matter what. I made an extremely simple test scene and made sure no light probes are inside of static geometry, still gives the error.

Is there really no way at all to get normalization in 2022.3?