Currently the GPU usage is still insanely high and culling (frustum culling?) seems like doesn’t work at deformation mesh that GPU usage never drop when out of camera visible range. Another issue is deformation still has gc spike very single frame at player runtime build which is really bad. Any plan to address all these issues at future release?
Hey! I will check in on the status of the incident mentioned in the title tomorrow.
As for deformations in Entities; this is still experimental and not recommended for production use. We are aware of both issues. Currently, deformations does not take visibility into account. As a result all meshes are deformed regardless of whether it is visible or not. The garbage allocation comes from GraphicsBuffers used in deformation systems. We are actively working on making it production ready by assessing and improving workflows and performance concerns. We are also doing user testing and improving based on feedback.
I would like to also feedback that seems like a couple of deformation jobs still not burst yet and also not using ISystem yet. Will it addressed at next release?
I believe some of these questions were answered in this thread . GraphicsBuffer, ComputeShader and Mesh class are not burst-compatible at the moment.
ConstructHashMapJob, CopyBlendShapeWeightsToGPUJob, ConstructHashMapJob and CopySkinMatricesToGPUJob have received the burst attribute in the next release.
I see. Is that still require quite long time to make them burst-compatible?
Btw after I check the entire package, seems like a few of the system can make them ISystem. Will them upgrade to ISystem at next release too?
We are not working on these specific items right now.
Hi. Will gc will be addressed at next release or it requires editor fix?