IN-62740 - VisionOS - Volume To World Node behaviour changes after Shader Keyword enabled

It appears that the PolySpatial node Volume-to-World is changing behaviour when a shader keyword is enabled. Probably triggering a recompile for the shader and this somehow affects the Volume-to-World output.
My guess is that the Volume-to-World is using the default volume camera values (1,1,1) and updates this only when the shader is recompiled.

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 10.33.08
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 10.31.50

Shadergraph Shader:

Thanks for the report! I believe I found the issue (VolumeToWorld is getting overwritten by an erroneous value sent from Unity along with the other globals, like keywords), and should be able to include a fix in an upcoming bugfix release.

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