Although case IN-60915 fixed failed to bake environment subscene properly but now at 1.2.0-pre.4 subscene streaming is completely broken that it’s no longer able to stream in and out scene sections anymore.
@JussiKnuuttila Any new update for this? This is critical breaking bug needs to fix at next 1.2 release since it’s completely break subscene streaming
Your issue is being investigated by the team that is responsible for subscenes and subscene loading. Unfortunately, I can’t give any specific timeline when they are able to deliver a fix for it.
Hi @JussiKnuuttila @LorinAtzbergerUnity . The bug is still exists at out of pre-release 1.2.0.
Subscene is not usable from 2022.3.21. Randomly crash when loading. Feel tried to debug.
Hi @LorinAtzbergerUnity . Any new update? At 1.2.0 the issue still persists
I’ve noticed that crash occurs due to some plugins. In my case it was water trying to render depth while section is loading.
@optimise The issue is being investigated by the team that is responsible for subscenes and streaming. Unfortunately, I don’t have any more information on the topic.
@SomethingElse12 This sounds like a different issue that is related to graphics. Could you maybe submit a bug with a project demonstrating this? We have not had any other reports of this to my knowledge.
It is related to Camera.Render() with KWS water plugin for shore rendering; can’t submit a bugg repo, very big project.
Currently sticking to 1.0.16, since its the only version that works with subscene streaming. additionally had to move to unity 6, since 2023.3 crashes in player too, when loading same subscenes after unload this version matching is horrible.