(IN-82537) ProBuilder 6.0.2 breaks all of scripts because of "Editor" namespace is used

Hi. I found that after updating Probuilder to 6.0.2, all of my scripts (including downloaded from asset store) are broken.

The main reason is that ProBuilder 6.0.2 introduces new class “SceneInformationOverlay”, but it is declared in namespace “Editor.Overlays”. So, it uses extremely general name “Editor”. All of my custom editor scripts are failed to compile.

Most common case is this:

using UnityEditor;

class MyCustomEditor : Editor {}

Then it complains that “Editor is namespace but you are trying to use it as type”.

Please fix this Unity :frowning:

Reported as IN-82537.


Literally just encountered this as well and submitted a bug and broke so much. Spent all that time migrating a project from 2022 LTS to Unity 6, too :sob:

Shouldn’t you just change/add the name space of your games scripts?

It is one of solution, but ProBuilder 6.0.2 breaks all of other assets downloaded from Asset Store too. Fixing all of that is unrealistic. ProBuilder should use namespace of its own space, like “ProBuilder.Editor” I think.


please fix this!

It will be fixed :slight_smile:


Nice one. Any time frame please?

Hi, this issue has been resolved on our end and we’re getting 6.0.3 out the door. I’ll update once the package releases.

Hi, we just released 6.0.3 that contains the fix for this issue.

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