[IN-91389] Revolute ArticulationBody limits break beyond 360


I’m experiencing an issue where revolute arculation bodies with limits greater than 360 break and wrap around to 720.

Take the following simple setup in an empty project:

Expected outcome:

The object rotates to 361 degrees, then hits its limit and stops.

Actual outcome:

When the joint position (angle) rotates to 361 degrees, it instantly spins another 360 degrees to 721, and the new ‘actual’ limit becomes 361 + 720 (1081). When it hits 1081, the limit is respected as expected.

The limit value of 361 isn’t strictly necessary - any limit beyond 360 will produce the behaviour.

This is a fairly critical issue for our project and would be great to have fixed. I’ve submitted a bug report with case ID IN-91389.

Many thanks,
