in a 2d game do i use rigidbody or rigidbody 2d? etc

in a 2d game do i use rigidbody or rigidbody 2d? etc

unity has so many confusing issues

I can only add objects as 3d spheres etc but when I used a 2d collider and rigid body 2d it wont work with other objects and collide etc/

so which do I use? there is clearly no add 2d sphere /cube etc…
also in a 2d game do we use all 2d things like rigidbody 2d box collider 2d etc?

this is confusing

so do I use 3d physics in a 2d game or all 2d physics ?
details please!

If it is a 2D game, you use the 2D physics. If it’s a 3D game, you use the 3D physics. I think what you’re describing is you’re trying to make a 2.5D game. A 2.5D game is a 2D game with 3D objects. Unless I’m mistaken in this regard you want to use all 2D physics, unless you plan on having 3D aspects to your game. It’s not really a straight forward answer because we can’t know what it is you’re doing.

So let’s say that you’re making something similar to Ori and the Blind Forest (but with 3D assets). That game is entirely 2D side scrolling. So you would use all 2D physics. Now let’s say that you’re making a game similar to Shadow complex. This is a 2.5D game and I would give you the same answer, but there is one instance where you break the Z axis to use a mini-gun in the game in a 3D scene. For that, you may want a combination of 2D and 3D physics colliders as it requires depth for certain gameplay mechanics. But I think that what you’re primarily after is all 2D physics. It’s faster to calculate and provides a lot of bonuses to your game. If you have 3D gameplay elements, then you need to kind of figure those out.

If you have more specific questions, post them, this was just a general answer.

thanks I understand
but I also mean either 2d game or 2d game unity inly has 3d objects there are no 2d game objects to add, take a look at adding a gameobject it only has 3d if u look under 2d game objects theres only 1 option “sprite” so you must add and work with 3d objects because its the only ones unity allows.
And remember when you add a 3d gameobject you now are bound by it and must use 3d physics with those 3d objects
you see - its misleading, so even if u open a 2d game theres only 3d objects to add and then you must add only 3d physics for them to work properly

unless im misunderstanding something but I dont think so