[Gotcha] : Audio Mixer in addressable assets just added the input map as an addressable and it fixed the non working callbacks.
I did a very thorough debugging session so I hope I’ll hear an official answer. I believe it echoes to several other issues stating that inputs are broken in build. (2021 LTS + Input System 1.7)
Added Breakpoints on the following code and the last hit is an add with my callback
public event Action<CallbackContext> performed
add => m_OnPerformed.AddCallback(value);
remove => m_OnPerformed.RemoveCallback(value);
After my .performed +=callback was called, the m_Perfomed Callback array holds the correct value.
Later in the execution path, probably on the next frame as it’s within an Update(), I check the value of m_Perfomed and it’s is empty in build and has the correct callback in editor.
Note :
- The action is disabled when calling perfomed +=, it is enabled on this next frame, but shouldn’t be an issue.
Wondering :
- Asset duplication in build ? So they are actually two different Map/Action ? (I check the m_Id of each and they are consistent.) The InputMap is not an adressable. But the GameObject enabling the action is in an adressable scene.