Hi all,
Figured I would post this in case anyone has the same issues as me. I recently updated to the latest 2018.2 unity and my game play services broke. I was also using a unity asset for leaderboards which worked without any issues prior to upgrading.
Once I upgraded to 2018.2, I had a lot of Gradle/internal build errors, mixed with successful builds that wouldn’t work when player was deployed.
The solution for my build errors was pretty simple, and I suggest everyone tries this first before changing/trying anything else. Delete all GPS folders (googleplaygames, android plugins, etc.) in your assets folders. Save and quit. Open unity back up and import a fresh copy of everything. When asked to “delete obsolete manifest”, mark no (you can try yes, but it’ll most likely cause errors). Once everything is imported, go to window > google play services and resolve/setup again. Your build should be ready to go after this without issues.
Leaderboards/GPS: @Yury-Habets I found what I believe is a bug. If I build with IL2CPP with ARM64 enabled, it will not let GPS work. Tried it from an alpha/beta build, and it doesn’t allow it to connect. If I deselect ARM64 and/or build with MONO, GPS works again without issues.