Hi, I want to ask, how I can implement in-game Clubs in Unity Netcode, like in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale.
Clubs as in MMO guilds? Essentially a group of players banded together under a common flag?
In that case you need:
- a way to uniquely identify each player
- a way to store club data and a list of their members
- possibly more, such as moderation tools (eg detect offensive words in club and player names) and design of prerequisites before one can open a club so that you don‘t end up with close to one club per player and benefits for players when joining a club and moderation tools for club admins (add, ban, kick, promote/demote players) and … so on.
This means you need some account/login management and a database. Both are outside the scope of Netcode or any most other networking frameworks. But you may find some info on how to go about this via google.
Could you recommend me one?
Not really because there is not „one“ solution to do all that. You can choose from setting up everything manually (tons of options, a lot of work) to finding a service that can do at least a few of those things or more (probably not too many solutions, and they will want to be paid).
But you can google how to do 1 (account/login) and 2 (game database). I suppose Firebase will get you started at the least.