In-Game Weapon store

Im sure this question has been asked a lot but i cant seem to find any answers. Well i want to make it so when i walk up to someone(or something) i can click a button and a weapon store will pop up. I also want a money system so that when i kill things i get money that i can use to buy weapons from the weapon store.

Button: GUI

Money System: Money System Please Help! - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

Weapons: Can vary.


Good luck!

Just in case you want a pre-made store, I have a package for that exact thing.

Outside of that, it depends on how you have your weapons set up - possibly the most important part is a system to keep track of and equip/unequip weapons from the player. What I do is keep an array of equipped weapons, and use the store to swap specific weapons into the slots. The store interface will also be important, since you need to have a way to display and equip weapons.

If you post a little more detail on your weapons set-up I may be able to help more.

Hey Unit875,

This would require other pieces of code, but basically, you would need Raycasting [For clicking someone/something] (Assuming your Hiding The Mouse), an enemy script and a Static Variable [For the money you get when you kill the enemy].

The code on your enemy would have a function like this:

function Dead () {
Manager.ManagerScript.Money += 50

I hope this helps!