In horizontal game during IAP on Google Play some users get vertical screen

Hi there!

We are using Unity 2021.3.18f. For Google Play we’ve set IAP from Unity.
Our game is in landscape orientation. And in Unity settings there are only Landscapes marked options.

However 50% of users have normal horizontal screen when paying, but 50% gets some wierd screen rotation. How to fix that?

Same problem here, also, it seems that after that my sales dropped to near zero. Maybe a

Any fix?
but i also tried with 4.10.0
Unity v 2020.3.25f

need billing 6.0.0

Trying to find the google play billing 6.0.1 , but did not find where to download it. Version for unity is really old.
My unity is v 2020.3.25f1 but I won’t be able to update it in order to not create a thousand of worse compatibility bugs

We also face this problem in Unity 2021.3.29f1 with package version 4.10.0

I am facing this problem too. Unity 2021.3.31f1, In App Purchasing is in lastest version 4.9.4
Anyone has solution for this?

Any fix for this? have same problem like
@PixelCells . But the weird thing of mine is, on the first day IAP billing orientation was normal. I didnt do anything. And 2 days later, iap windows orientation was changed to portrait. How can this happened?

Bug still reproducible in 4.12.0. Devices are Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Honor 20.