I’ve been trying for the past two days to remove the jittery stuttering of the camera with the standard mouselook script.
I think I need to average the value for something between the most recent and current frame with a Lerp maybe?
I’ve searched literally everywhere, any posts you can link me I’ve most likely seen and were either not use or too complex, but by all means to link me any resources you have, incase I missed something.
This question seriously badly needs to be answered clearly, it’s been asked everywhere and never clearly answered.
Could someone please just explain to me how you accomplish a smooth fps mouselook?
Seems this question is harder to answer than I thought. Ima try to write my own script to accomplish this, ignoring the default mouselook. In the meantime if anyone can give me some information please don’t hesitate. If/when I find a solution for this I’ll post here in detail exactly how it works so the next person with my problem doesn’t have to go through the headache I have.
A guy I know solved it by keeping the last 20 camera angles in an array. During each Update(), you
- remove the oldest camera angle from the array
- add on the current “LookAt” angle
- average all 20 of the angles
- replace that current “LookAt” angle in the array with the averaged value
- set the camera’s angle with the averaged value
20 camera angles is what he decided on. You could make that an Inspector variable to experiment with it. For averaging the angles, you might need to average all the x values, then all the y values, and then all the z values, but I’m not sure.
(Sorry I can’t give you the actual code. He’s working for a company and they’re tight with security.)
Hmm, thanks that’s by far clearest method I’ve come across. I’ll try it out and post back how it goes.
Thanks again :]
Okkk, I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to do your method here, can I ask how exactly do you get these angles, where are they from and how do you add/remove them from the array?
Ima keep tryna figure it out myself but you’d save me plenty of time if you could explain it for me