Hello! I have a 400 MB Android game. I published it on Google Play, dividing it into APK and OBB.
I had to face the problem that 15% of players did not download OBB. When the game starts, the first scene starts as it should, and the subsequent ones are not loaded. After looking at the cache folders, it was found that some phones do not download OBB from Google Play.
Is this a problem with Google Play itself or am I configuring something wrong?
I am using Unity3d 2019 3.7f1
Anyone help?
In the documentation, I saw:
“You should include code in your app that downloads missing OBB files in the case of a Google Play Store error, or if a user removes the OBB files from their device.”
But I don’t understand this.
Google Play sometimes doesn’t download the OBB, for reasons I’m not quite clear. It’s more frequent in some devices, but it randomly happens in all devices.
You should implement an .obb downloader. This was made by a Unity employee a while back : GitHub - Over17/UnityOBBDownloader: This is Unity plugin for Android, intended to download .obb expansion files from Google Play.
It’s more or less a Untiy wrapper for the example that Google provides on how to download .obb.
It needs a few changes and some customization in Android studio if you want it to look better, but it should work as is.
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