In spite of app version is greater, Android Build failed with "INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE"


I tried update my released Android app, but It was failed because of “INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE”( but I change version in projectSetting.asset).

My flow is below

  1. install my app from GooglePlay (version = 1.0.0)
  2. In Unity, change version to 1.1.0 in ProjectSetting.asset
  3. Build And Run

When I uninstall old version app, Install was succeed.
But I’d like to access old version local file from new version app.
( local file access by windows explore is forbidden in my workplace)

Is there any way to solve this issue without uninstall ?

Unity 5.6.5
Windows 8.1

Thanks .

The version string is completele irrelevant. The only important number is the version code. It’s an integer value which usually starts at 1. Each new published version needs to have a greater number than all versions before. How you increment it is up to you but it’s recommended to increment it by just 1 each time.

See the PlayerSettings for more details. Specifically the 5th image from the top:

**Bundle Version Code **

An internal version number. This
number is used only to determine
whether one version is more recent
than another, with higher numbers
indicating more recent versions. This
is not the version number shown to
users; that number is set by the
versionName attribute. The value must
be set as an integer, such as “100”.
You can define it however you want, as
long as each successive version has a
higher number.

Thank you very much!