In Unity Hub downloading an editor just outright stops and erases itself

Hello, I have a problem downloading a new editor.

Whenever I try to download a new editor (already tried 2019 and 2020) it starts downloading normally, perhaps a little slow (might be me though), but at a certain point the downloading editor it just vanishes from the hub and I have to download the editor again.
I’ve already tried a whole day, tried uninstalling the hub and even restarting my computer and internet, however, the same thing happens anyways:
Starts download, stays like that for half an hour to an actual hour, THEN it vanishes from the hub like I haven’t downloaded in the first place.
Is this problem common?

Please I’ve been trying for a whole day now and I really want to use Unity…

Hi, I’m sorry to hear that.

Could you please attach the log file here or report the bug using “Hub tray menu dropdown → Troubleshooting → Report a bug” and then post fogbugz case id?

Windows location for Hub’s log file is:


Thank you!