Inconsistent Blender import

I am working on a scene with a friend, we are both using the latest version of Blender and Unity. If I create a compound object (cube with a long cube “gun” coming out of it) and save into my assets folder as a .blend, in Unity the object is correctly orientated and facing forward, i.e. transform.lookat will make the object AND sub object (e.g. “gun”) aim correctly at a target.

Here’s the problem, if my friend does the exact same steps, the objects are orientated differently in Unity which breaks the transform.lookat functionality. I can save down a blend file and we will both import it and have different results in unity.

Any idea what’s causing this?

Save your Blender Preferences and give the file to your friend.

The latest version of Blender has an (experimental) rotation fix which one of you has probably checked and the other, not.

For those messed up models apply Mirgar’s rotation fix if the built in fix doesnt work for you. Note, you should Export as FBX and select the proper orientations in that export menu.