Inconsistent Player Prefab values

My player prefab should have values of null in these four slots:
After running through play mode, the prefab slots show as:

I have a random number variable that selects ability 17 which is why it is always ability 17, and I also have tried setting all four variables to null in both Awake() and Start().

I’m at a loss and have no other references to these variables in any script.

I also noticed a weird error that I had never seen before at the start of this which went something like “Unable to save” or something to do with a glitch that happened, then it went away.

I tried recreating the prefab as well.

If anyone has any clue as to how to fix this or maybe even what the error was that I let pass by, it would be greatly appreciated.

I think we’re going to need to see the code in question. But it sounds like some of your code is probably editing the prefab assets, and not the instance within a scene.

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