Hello, I am pretty new to shaders and I just ran into an issue that I’m not really sure how to solve. I tried searching up the problem online but I couldn’t find anything that could solve the problem.
It says in the unity Debug log that there is an incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor at line 85, on line 85 this is the code:
p += (stepnoise0(p, 5.5) - 0.5) * DMUL;
where p is a float2 and DMUL is a float
And these are the Macros.
#define stepnoise0(p, size) rnd( floor(p/size)*size )
#define rnd(U) frac(sin( 1e3*(U)*float4x4(8,-7.131, 12.9898, 1.233) )* 43758.5453)
What I am confused about is that I am pretty sure that there is a correct number of arguments for stepnoise0, yet is still shows up as an error
Sorry if this is a rookie mistake or something but I’m just confused now.
If it isn’t that much of an issue could someone help me?
Thanks in advance!