Incorrect Statistics using URP

Hey everyone. I was just trying URP on 2019.3.0f3 and noticed that the values in the Statistics window seemed kinda off. “Tris” and “Verts” are way lower than they should be, and “Saved by batching” is actually a negative value. I was wondering if I’m the only one experiencing this, or if I’m misunderstanding those values somehow, because I couldn’t find anything about this potential problem yet.


The scene has a quad and two cubes, but shows Tris 2, Verts 4, and Saved by batching -3. The lights are baked, there’s no skybox, and no matter what basic objects I add, those numbers stay the same. They do go up when I add a skybox though, so apparently it counts only that.

When using the 3D template I get the values 28, 56, and 0 respectively in the same scene, which should be correct. Is this a bug in URP?

I’ve got the same issue. Seems it’s not counting geometry past 2 Tris and 4 Verts :confused:

Regarding the negative batching number, i’ve just been assuming it was a change by Unity as it’s been like that for since maybe 2019.1?

I reported this as a bug back when I created this thread, and it has been recognized as such with URP and HDRP. It appears like it’s not gonna be fixed any time soon though.

It only seems to happen with DirectX 11 however, and if you switch to DirectX 12 for example, even if it’s just for testing, you see the corrects stats. In many cases that should at least serve as a workaround for now.

This is a known issue caused by SRP Batcher. If you disable SRP Batcher in the pipeline asset under “advanced” category stats window will worked but be aware of you disable SRP Batcher you might get worse performance.

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The negative values for “Saved by batching” issue still happens on Unity 2019.4.1f1 using URP package 7.3.1.
Pretty annoying to not be able to get a reliable number of how efficient batching (with SRP Batcher) is at a point in a project.
Any ETA on this issue? Any ideas if it will it be fixed in the 2019.4.x cycle?

i had 4 tris and 8 verts, now after disabling SRP Batcher i got 0 tris and 0 verts.

Worked! thank you, i had to uncheck it from low; medium and high settings

Bump time, this worked but when is this going to be fixed?