Hi, today I tried to write a script that plays a sound when you push a button and stops it when you stop pushing that button…
The problem is that the function “AudioSource.Stop” seems to be an incorrect expression, but I found it on Unity - Scripting API: AudioSource.Stop …
So, I think that there could be some older expressions that aren’t used in unity anymore… :?
No, it works fine. Anything that’s in the current docs works.
But when I used it in my code, there was written:
var speed = 2.5;
var openSpeed = 2.5;
var useTime = 6.0;
var fallSpeed = 1.0;
var useKey : String;
var wheel : Transform;
var rotate : boolean = true;
var door : Transform;
var openDoor : boolean = true;
var fall : boolean = false;
var wheelSound : AudioClip;
var playSound : boolean = true;
var doorStart : Transform;
var doorEnd : Transform;
function OnTriggerStay () {
if (Input.GetKey (useKey)) {
if (rotate == true) {
wheel.Rotate (0, speed, 0);
if (openDoor == true) {
door.Translate (0, openSpeed, 0);
if (door.transform.position.y >= doorEnd.transform.position.y) {
openDoor = false;
if (Input.GetKeyDown (useKey)) {
if (rotate == true) {
if (playSound == true) {
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (wheelSound, transform.position);
playSound = false;
if (Input.GetKeyUp (useKey)) {
function OnTriggerExit () {
fall = true;
opendoor = false;
playSound = true;
Update ();
function Update () {
if (fall == true) {
door.transform.Translate(0, -fallSpeed, 0 * Time.deltaTime);
if (door.transform.position.y <= doorStart.transform.position.y) {
openDoor = true;
fall = false;
@script RequireComponent (AudioSource)
Try doing this: audio.Stop()
The parenthesis are a requirement for ALL functions.
I feel compelled to point out that the sample code in the docs says “audio.Stop()”…always pay attention to the docs…
Sorry, I red quickly over the tutorial, so I didn’t see this…