increase size after collision

I am new to unity,
can someone please post a script of " increasing size when collision "
i am having my player named " ball "
and my enemy named " enemy1 "
if ball collide with enemy1, ball will have scale ( size ) for z, y and x as 6 instead of 5.
then i want the enemy to be destroyed…
anyone can post a script here please ?

add a function to your ball’s script

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)  //Unity function called when a collision is detected, and the object collided is put into the variable 'col' to be used later
    if( == "enemy1")   //if the object you collided with is the enemy
        transform.localScale += new Vector3 (1,1,1); //increase the size of the ball
        Destroy(col.gameObject);  //Destroy the enemy