Increased GC Alloc in PropertyDrawer with Repaint

Hi, when calling Repaint in PropertyDrawer (to achieve responsive Inspector), the GC Alloc raises from 277 B to about 20 kB in Unity versions 2020 - 2022.2. That’s normal and happens even with a drawer with no layout.

public class RepaintTestDrawer : PropertyDrawer
  public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)

However since 2023.1 Beta this overhead jumps 3x to 60 kB.

Is this due to transition to UITK or could it be a bug? Thanks for any ideas.

It could be due to the UI toolkit transition although it would be nice to not regress performance with this change. Could you please file a bug report so we we can look unity it?