Incrementing by X per second...

How would I Increment by X per second...

I know how to increment per second but how would I increment by more then one and add it seperately say add one every...0.3 seconds?

var incrementTime = .3;
var incrementBy = 1;
private var counter = 0;

function Start () {
    InvokeRepeating("Increment", incrementTime, incrementTime);

function Increment () {
    counter += incrementBy;

You could use Time.deltaTime , too. This C# code is stripped down to the essentials.

float incrementTime = 0.3f;
float incrementBy = 1;
float counter = 0;
double time =0;

public void Update()

#pragma strict

function Start () {


private var pauza_sec :float= 0;
private var urm_nr:int = 0;

private var start_timp:int = 0;
private var final_timp:int =10;

function Update ()

	if (start_timp< final_timp)
		urm_nr= (Time.time) + pauza_sec; //+ un nr. si neaparat time.time + ceva(numar obligatoriu)


