Independent brunch editing

Hi everyone! New to speedtree and facing this problem - I’d like to make a tree where the trunk divides in 2 multiple times. In all the tutorials I see how to make a tree which has a straight all the way to the top and brunches that come out of it. I need a different type of a tree - my trunk divides in 2 almost at the beginning and each brunch divides in 2 and so on a few times. At first I tried to shape the parent with a brunch on it and made me the look I wanted but in the process it turns out when I change the shape of the trunk I loose the position of the brunch and I have to put it back in place with every single little tweak, which it very annoying. Then I found out how to slit the trunk and then the “extend parent part too” and I was happy - it just what I wanted - each “extend level” I could edit individually without affecting the previous. But! whenever I divide the trunk or it’s extension I can neither control which direction it will be divided, not rotate the two generated offshoots later to have them in the direction I need. Any other ideas on “Independent brunch editing”? Or may be I dont understand something basic

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Thank you! Helpful video. Cant find the extension generator though for some reason :upside_down_face:

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This is a saved extension template, you can enable it in the branch generator.

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Oh, I thought it was something like branch extension, not parent extension. Ok got it. Thank you!

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