Independent Games Festival

Deadline for entry is September 6, 2005.

There are a few different categories with cash prizes. Is anyone entering? Looks like some good prizes and exposure.

Hmm. There’s enough of us to make a cool game if we put our heads together. But who has the time?

I’d like to submit the Adventures of El Ballo. It just needs to go gold by their deadline. However, since we have Ambrosia as our publisher, I wonder if that makes us ineligible.

Well if some of the programer people are willing to try submit something by “ComUNITY Entertainment” :stuck_out_tongue: I would be happy to do some graphics work and I have time. Jeff


i might be interested in doing a game via such a way - this would also be a learning experience in unity for me. But i think i’m more interested in doing a cute polished game than fulfilling the festival deadline. So i would have some time from august on i guess… :O)



Such a project sounds interesting, but I would only be able to help starting september (have to finish my thesis first).

Might be a nice way to present an “interactive tutorial”?

Having one small limited project say every quarter, or so. (like the Rag Doll Bill mentioned elsewhere) where the different parts are created by volunteers and the complete project being released in the forums when it is finished?

I would be willing to create a couple of custom shaders, if you find that you will be needing some of those. Let me know, and I will see what is possible.

  • Peter, OTEE shader programmer

WOW even an official otee-member! What could we expect more?! Well, let me think…how about… ;O)

