Hell all. So I have an iJobParallelFor that I kept getting index out of bounds, though I didn’t really see any reason why there is a race condition. using [NativeDisableParallelForRestriction] solved this and everything is working OK, but it seems… sloppy. I’m looking to learn to find a proper way.
I have two teams of 100 agents each. Each agent needs to find the closest enemies to itself. So I have several jobs that basically spit out a struct array of length 10000. This includes each agent in team 1, of which there are 100 of, with a sorted list of the 100 agents in team 2 in terms of distance to itself.
Each agent has 100 elements in the array of 10000. 0-99 are for Agent 1’s results, 100-199 are for agent 2’s results, etc.
I only really want the first ten closest. Adjusting the first job was too much for me, so I just made another job to pick only the first ten results.
struct ExtractMaxTargetsFromResultsJob : IJobParallelFor
//The original array of 10,000 results
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<targetDistanceStruct> FullResults;
// Number of agents in the second team, this case 100
[ReadOnly] public int OtherTeamCount;
// How many results per agent to take from the full results, this case 10
[ReadOnly] public int resultsPerAgent;
//The array that will store only 10 results for each of the 100 agents in team 1. Size is 1000.
[NativeDisableParallelForRestriction] public NativeArray<targetDistanceStruct> FilteredResults;
public void Execute(int agentIndex)
// Calculate the starting indexes (e.g.: agent #2's values are 100-199 in the full array, but will be 10-19 in the filtered array
int fullResultsStartIndex = agentIndex * OtherTeamCount;
int filteredResultsStartIndex = agentIndex * resultsPerAgent;
// Copy the first 10 elements from FullResults to FilteredResults - gives the 10 closest since they're already ordered.
for (int i = 0; i < resultsPerAgent; i++)
FilteredResults[filteredResultsStartIndex + i] = FullResults[fullResultsStartIndex + i];
Doing the math, it all checks out to me, I shouldn’t every be writing to an element past the size of either collection. But I guess since it’s paralleled it doesn’t like you writing to something that isn’t exactly the index you are assigned or something, since one other thread might be writing to it - thought I’m reserving 10 indexes at a time:
JobHandle handle = extractJob.Schedule(teamCount1, 10);
The Index error is this:
“IndexOutOfRangeException: Index 840 is out of restricted IJobParallelFor range [84…84] in ReadWriteBuffer.”.
Besides telling it, “trust me bro” with the [NativeDisableParallelForRestriction], what is the proper way of addressing this? Any help here would be great, thank you! Note that it DOES work, and tested results are fantastic. I just want to learn how to do this properly.
Thank you!