Index out of Range Exception Error

Can’t seem to find the issue… I have checked all of my gameobjects and my script is only on one of them. The error I’m getting is:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
SelectCharacter.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/SelectCharacter.cs:17)

This is the main script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class SelectCharacter : MonoBehaviour {

	public static int chickenSelect;
	public bool rainbowUnlocked;
	public bool halloweenUnlocked;
	public SpriteRenderer Chicken;
	public Sprite[] chickenSprite;

	void Start(){
		chickenSelect = 0;

	void Update(){
		Chicken.sprite = chickenSprite [chickenSelect];
		if(chickenSelect > chickenSprite.Length){
			chickenSelect = 0;
		if (chickenSelect < chickenSprite.Length) {
			chickenSelect = chickenSprite.Length;		

Then I have some scripts on my arrow buttons:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class RightArrow : MonoBehaviour {

	void OnMouseDown(){

and left one

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class LeftArrow : MonoBehaviour {

	void OnMouseDown(){

If anyone knows why I am gettting the error it would be very helpful.

I see 1 mistake that’s definitely going to cause an index out of range since you assume that chickenSprite.Length is the last index, while chickenSprite.Length - 1 is the last index.

And then you also want your index adaptation to happen before the actual access which gets you:

void Update(){
    if(chickenSelect > chickenSprite.Length){
        chickenSelect = 0;
    if (chickenSelect < chickenSprite.Length) {
        chickenSelect = chickenSprite.Length - 1;
    Chicken.sprite = chickenSprite [chickenSelect];


I have the same issue in my project, but I haven’t even written any scripts. All I did was import a few sprites and animations. (Another issue is that my console will not pop up for me to get a better look at it, which I think is odd.) Any advice on what might be going on? Thanks in advance.

The error did not occur until after I switched the platform to mobile.