Hi, I’ve been trying to make a game while following tutorials on how to do so, and now I came to the part where I had to implement things that don’t have a tutorial for them. Now I was trying some things out and somehow ended up with the following error:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.ArrayList.ThrowNewArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.String name, System.Object actual, System.String message)
System.Collections.ArrayList.get_Item (Int32 index)
UnityScript.Lang.Array.get_Item (Int32 index)
AICar_Script.NavigateTowardsWaypoint () (at Assets/Scripts/Car Control/AICar_Script.js:135)
AICar_Script.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Car Control/AICar_Script.js:65)
I’ve left the commentry from the tutorial in there, as I found it to be useful.
The error should have something to do with my waypoints for the script, which I assigned using gameobject.findwithtag. I went through the whole thing a couple times and can’t figure out why its giving me the error, so here’s the code, maybe you guys can figure it out
// ----------- CAR TUTORIAL SAMPLE PROJECT, ? Andrew Gotow 2009 -----------------
// Here's the basic AI driven car script described in my tutorial at www.gotow.net/andrew/blog.
// A Complete explaination of how this script works can be found at the link above, along
// with detailed instructions on how to write one of your own, and tips on what values to
// assign to the script variables for it to work well for your application.
// Contact me at Maxwelldoggums@Gmail.com for more information.
// These variables allow the script to power the wheels of the car.
var FrontLeftWheel : WheelCollider;
var FrontRightWheel : WheelCollider;
// These variables are for the gears, the array is the list of ratios. The script
// uses the defined gear ratios to determine how much torque to apply to the wheels.
var GearRatio : float[];
var CurrentGear : int = 0;
// These variables are just for applying torque to the wheels and shifting gears.
// using the defined Max and Min Engine RPM, the script can determine what gear the
// car needs to be in.
var EngineTorque : float = 600.0;
var MaxEngineRPM : float = 5900.0;
var MinEngineRPM : float = 1000.0;
private var EngineRPM : float = 0.0;
// Here's all the variables for the AI, the waypoints are determined in the "GetWaypoints" function.
// the waypoint container is used to search for all the waypoints in the scene, and the current
// waypoint is used to determine which waypoint in the array the car is aiming for.
var waypointContainer : GameObject;
private var waypoints : Array;
private var currentWaypoint : int = 0;
// input steer and input torque are the values substituted out for the player input. The
// "NavigateTowardsWaypoint" function determines values to use for these variables to move the car
// in the desired direction.
private var inputSteer : float = 0.0;
private var inputTorque : float = 0.0;
function Start () {
var container = GameObject.FindWithTag("WaypointContainer");
var waypointContainer = container;
// I usually alter the center of mass to make the car more stable. I'ts less likely to flip this way.
rigidbody.centerOfMass.y = -1.5;
// Call the function to determine the array of waypoints. This sets up the array of points by finding
// transform components inside of a source container.
function Update () {
// This is to limith the maximum speed of the car, adjusting the drag probably isn't the best way of doing it,
// but it's easy, and it doesn't interfere with the physics processing.
rigidbody.drag = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / 250;
// Call the funtion to determine the desired input values for the car. This essentially steers and
// applies gas to the engine.
// Compute the engine RPM based on the average RPM of the two wheels, then call the shift gear function
EngineRPM = (FrontLeftWheel.rpm + FrontRightWheel.rpm)/2 * GearRatio[CurrentGear];
// set the audio pitch to the percentage of RPM to the maximum RPM plus one, this makes the sound play
// up to twice it's pitch, where it will suddenly drop when it switches gears.
audio.pitch = Mathf.Abs(EngineRPM / MaxEngineRPM) + 1.0 ;
// this line is just to ensure that the pitch does not reach a value higher than is desired.
if ( audio.pitch > 2.0 ) {
audio.pitch = 2.0;
// finally, apply the values to the wheels. The torque applied is divided by the current gear, and
// multiplied by the calculated AI input variable.
FrontLeftWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * inputTorque;
FrontRightWheel.motorTorque = EngineTorque / GearRatio[CurrentGear] * inputTorque;
// the steer angle is an arbitrary value multiplied by the calculated AI input.
FrontLeftWheel.steerAngle = 10 * inputSteer;
FrontRightWheel.steerAngle = 10 * inputSteer;
function ShiftGears() {
// this funciton shifts the gears of the vehcile, it loops through all the gears, checking which will make
// the engine RPM fall within the desired range. The gear is then set to this "appropriate" value.
if ( EngineRPM >= MaxEngineRPM ) {
var AppropriateGear : int = CurrentGear;
for ( var i = 0; i < GearRatio.length; i ++ ) {
if ( FrontLeftWheel.rpm * GearRatio *< MaxEngineRPM ) {*
AppropriateGear = i;*
CurrentGear = AppropriateGear;*
if ( EngineRPM <= MinEngineRPM ) {*
AppropriateGear = CurrentGear;*
for ( var j = GearRatio.length-1; j >= 0; j -- ) {*
_ if ( FrontLeftWheel.rpm * GearRatio[j] > MinEngineRPM ) {_
AppropriateGear = j;*
CurrentGear = AppropriateGear;*
function GetWaypoints () {
// Now, this function basically takes the container object for the waypoints, then finds all of the transforms in it,*
// once it has the transforms, it checks to make sure it’s not the container, and adds them to the array of waypoints.*
var potentialWaypoints : Array = waypointContainer.GetComponentsInChildren( Transform );*
waypoints = new Array();*
for ( var potentialWaypoint : Transform in potentialWaypoints ) {*
if ( potentialWaypoint != waypointContainer.transform ) {*
waypoints[ waypoints.length ] = potentialWaypoint;*
function NavigateTowardsWaypoint () {
// now we just find the relative position of the waypoint from the car transform,*
// that way we can determine how far to the left and right the waypoint is.*
var RelativeWaypointPosition : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformPoint( Vector3(*
waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.z ) );*
// by dividing the horizontal position by the magnitude, we get a decimal percentage of the turn angle that we can use to drive the wheels*
inputSteer = RelativeWaypointPosition.x / RelativeWaypointPosition.magnitude;*
// now we do the same for torque, but make sure that it doesn’t apply any engine torque when going around a sharp turn…*
if ( Mathf.Abs( inputSteer ) < 1 ) {*
inputTorque = RelativeWaypointPosition.z / RelativeWaypointPosition.magnitude - Mathf.Abs( inputSteer );*
inputTorque = 0.0;*
// this just checks if the car’s position is near enough to a waypoint to count as passing it, if it is, then change the target waypoint to the*
// next in the list.*
if ( RelativeWaypointPosition.magnitude < 1 ) {*
currentWaypoint ++;*
if ( currentWaypoint >= waypoints.length ) {*
currentWaypoint = 0;*