Hey, so i am a newbie to unity but have learned all the basics. Now i am interested in making indie game. However, something just bugs my mind and i can’t stop thinking about it. so i have been wondering how do people render maps in indie game. Do they combine all of them in one place or seperated them. and for more study material can you give me a video tutorial on this if there is
Hi! Lots of different answers here … it mostly comes down to the usual “it depends”, heh. Depends on size of your levels, detail level, multiplayer/singleplayer, light baking or not … many factors.
My personal experience, as a generalist (building small games as a hobby), is “just build it”. Have fun, learn to create good stuff, and worry about the optimization aspects later. You can always cut levels up, or merge together, further down the line Don’t let it slow you down!
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