I am trying to do a simple indoor navigation demo in one room only (on Android). But I want the localisation to be “visual”: no beacons, no QR marks. A YouTube video shows how to do it:
It uses Immersal Mapper App to create a point cloud, and uses Immersal SDK in Unity.
But for me, I get Errors when Building any Unity project with Immersal package installed (even if it is empty 3D template, with just Immersal package installed.)
Is there an alternative? This seems so simple (the process in the video is very simple), but I can’t find any app like Immersal that makes point clouds using Android phone’s Camera and then make indoor Navigation in Unity. I want a free software please, just like Immersal (the demo will be very small scale, so even free “trial” might be enough).
First, I want to thank you for willing to help me.
I am new to Unity.
Here is what I did:
I created a new project with the 3D Template.
I switched to Android.
In package manager, I installed the immersal SDK package using the git url:
Project Validation window pops-up, I press fix all
one issue remains: (ARCore … must be enabled). So I press fix and check the box for ARCore.
I press Build and Run. A dialogue opens (unsupported input hadling) I press Yes.
I don’t know why the build takes so long (11 mins), even though the project is empty (takes long even without immersal SDK). Most of the time is spent “compiling Cpp for libil2cpp (arm64)”. But the important thing is that in the end there are errors:
I sent the apk file generated from the PC to the Android phone.
I double clicked it:
“Do you want to update this app?” I press Update
“App installed” I press Done
However I don’t find the app anywhere on the phone.