Hello! I have a project team interested in creating a tool for Unity.
Our idea is to make a package similar to the Tree Creator Tool, except that it will be specific to creating indoor scenes. We will make a library of base models, and an interface for allowing the user to modify the appearance. As an example, say we start with a basic couch model, then allow the users to select from a list of patterns, alter the color, add pillows/blankets, and change how worn/new the couch looks.
We would like feedback on this idea:
Would you find it useful?
What indoor environments would you find most useful? (home, restaurant, public places, mall, subway, library, etc)
Have you created tools in the past and have advice/suggestions for us?
That would be quite usefull, If I would be able to edit them at runtime, or create/randomize them at runtime. That way you could make everchanging indoor enviroments for your game.
I would find home/antique i.e. 19-20 century quite usefull.
Sounds very useful. I’m mainly interested in home and office environments (including things like bathrooms/kitchens). Alternatively, hospital content would be useful.
This is great feedback, thank you for the suggestions!
As a follow up question, have you used any of the tools for outdoor scenes (terrain, tree creator, or water) and did you experience any trouble with it? We would like to make our tool as user-friendly as possible, so you would not need to “learn” the tool, it would just be intuitive and not complicated. Any advice/suggestions in this area would also be very helpful.
As long as it has good documentation, I’m happy with any half-decent interface. A decent pdf and a video or two to explain things can help a lot. I didn’t have much trouble with the tools you mentioned. Maybe produce a prototype and collect some feedback from folks around here.