This topic has gone back and forward for a while but I think with the slide shared by @Edy we can put all the pieces together.
The Inertia Matrix is a Symmetric 3x3 matrix. In Unity, instead of a matrix, we have a quaternion and a vector.
Physx diagonalizes the Inertia Matrix.This means that a symmetric matrix is decomposed in M = ADinv(A)
This corresponds to the eigenvectors and d with the eigenvalues.
When the symmetric matrix corresponds to a inertia matrix, I = RDinv(R). In the rigidbody, InertiaTensor vector is the values of the diagonal of D. inertiaTensorRotation is the equivalent quaternion of the rotation matrix R
Getting inertiaTensor and inertiaTensorRotation from the Inertia Matrix:
We need to decomposed the matrix to the form I = RDinv(R). R corresponds to the eigenvectors and D to the eigenvalues so any algorithm could work. Jacobi algorithm, for example. When we have R, transform R to a quaternion to get the inertiaTensorRotation, and get the diagonal values of D to get inertiaTensor
Getting the inertia tensor matrix from inertiaTensor and inertiaTensorRotation:
Transform inertiaTensorRotation from a quaternion to a rotation matrix. Create a diagonal matrix with inertia tensor in the diagonal. Apply the formula I = RDinv(R).
I created this helper class. I hope it helps:
/// Author: Manuel Espino.
/// github:
/// unity forum:
/// Utilities to get the inertia tensor matrix from a rigidbody
/// and to get the inertia tensor and inertia tensor rotation from a inertia tensor matrix
using UnityEngine;
public static class InertiaTensorUtils
public static Matrix4x4 CalculateInertiaTensorMatrix(Rigidbody rb)
return CalculateInertiaTensorMatrix(rb.inertiaTensor, rb.inertiaTensorRotation);
// Inertia Tensor Matrix can be decomposed in M = transpose(R)*D*R
// M is the original matrix
// R is a rotation matrix, stored in the rigidbody as a quaternion in inertiaTensorRotation
// D is a diagonal matrix, stored in the rigidbody as a vector3 in inertiaTensor
// D are the eigenvalues and R are the eigenvectors
// Inertia Tensor Matrix is a 3x3 Matrix, so it will appear in the first 3x3 positions of the 4x4 Unity Matrix used here
public static Matrix4x4 CalculateInertiaTensorMatrix(Vector3 inertiaTensor, Quaternion inertiaTensorRotation)
Matrix4x4 R = Matrix4x4.Rotate(inertiaTensorRotation); //rotation matrix created
Matrix4x4 S = Matrix4x4.Scale(inertiaTensor); // diagonal matrix created
return R * S * R.transpose; // R is orthogonal, so R.transpose == R.inverse
private const float epsilon = 1e-10f;
private const int maxSweeps = 32;
/// <summary>
/// Diagonalization of M
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// M will be decomposed by M = transpose(R)*D*R.
/// InertiaTensorQuaternion is the quaternion equivalent to R
/// InertiaTensor is the diagonal values of D
/// InertiaTensor stores the eigenvalues and R stores the eigenvectors. Since the eigenvectors are the rotation axis, the quaternion representing R is the rotation axis
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <param name="inertiaTensor"></param>
/// <param name="inertiaTensorRotation"></param>
public static void DiagonalizeInertiaTensor(Matrix4x4 m, out Vector3 inertiaTensor, out Quaternion inertiaTensorRotation)
float m11 = m[0, 0];
float m12 = m[0, 1];
float m13 = m[0, 2];
float m22 = m[1, 1];
float m23 = m[1, 2];
float m33 = m[2, 2];
Matrix4x4 r = Matrix4x4.identity;
for (int a = 0; a < maxSweeps; a++)
// Exit if off.diagonal entries small enough
if ((fabs(m12) < epsilon) && (fabs(m13) < epsilon) && (fabs(m23) < epsilon))
// Annihilate (1,2) entry.
if (m12 != 0.0F)
float u = (m22 - m11) * 0.5F / m12;
float u2 = u * u;
float u2p1 = u2 + 1.0F;
float t = (u2p1 != u2) ?
((u < 0.0F) ? -1.0F : 1.0F) * (sqrt(u2p1) - fabs(u))
: 0.5F / u;
float c = 1.0F / sqrt(t * t + 1.0F);
float s = c * t;
m11 -= t * m12;
m22 += t * m12;
m12 = 0.0F;
float temp = c * m13 - s * m23;
m23 = s * m13 + c * m23;
m13 = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
float tempInner = c * r[i, 0] - s * r[i, 1];
r[i, 1] = s * r[i, 0] + c * r[i, 1];
r[i, 0] = tempInner;
// Annihilate (1,3) entry.
if (m13 != 0.0F)
float u = (m33 - m11) * 0.5F / m13;
float u2 = u * u;
float u2p1 = u2 + 1.0F;
float t = (u2p1 != u2) ?
((u < 0.0F) ? -1.0F : 1.0F) * (sqrt(u2p1) - fabs(u))
: 0.5F / u;
float c = 1.0F / sqrt(t * t + 1.0F);
float s = c * t;
m11 -= t * m13;
m33 += t * m13;
m13 = 0.0F;
float temp = c * m12 - s * m23;
m23 = s * m12 + c * m23;
m12 = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
float tempInner = c * r[i, 0] - s * r[i, 2];
r[i, 2] = s * r[i, 0] + c * r[i, 2];
r[i, 0] = tempInner;
// Annihilate (2,3) entry.
if (m23 != 0.0F)
float u = (m33 - m22) * 0.5F / m23;
float u2 = u * u;
float u2p1 = u2 + 1.0F;
float t = (u2p1 != u2) ?
((u < 0.0F) ? -1.0F : 1.0F) * (sqrt(u2p1) - fabs(u))
: 0.5F / u;
float c = 1.0F / sqrt(t * t + 1.0F);
float s = c * t;
m22 -= t * m23;
m33 += t * m23;
m23 = 0.0F;
float temp = c * m12 - s * m13;
m13 = s * m12 + c * m13;
m12 = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
float tempInner = c * r[i, 1] - s * r[i, 2];
r[i, 2] = s * r[i, 1] + c * r[i, 2];
r[i, 1] = tempInner;
inertiaTensor.x = m11;
inertiaTensor.y = m22;
inertiaTensor.z = m33;
inertiaTensorRotation = r.rotation;
private static float fabs(float f)
return Mathf.Abs(f);
private static float sqrt(float f)
return Mathf.Sqrt(f);
Final notes:
DiagonalizeInertiaTensor maybe is not the fastest algorithm. Anyway, it should be use just one time to cache the matrix. You can find another version, probably faster, here: How to calculate inertia tensor and tensor rotation manually - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
I am using the builtin Matrix4x4 matrix, but the InertiaTensor is 3x3
Not sure why in the slide is written D = RSinv(R) instead of S = RDinv(R)
Sometimes you may find transpose(R) instead of inverse(R)… They are equivalent because R is orthogonal, so inverse(R) = transpose(R)