I’m developing a top down racing game, and the collisions were all weird and un-natural (vid here), it was suggested to me that I use inertiaTensor to fix this issue, so now I’m setting the following in Start():
goRigidbody.inertiaTensor = new Vector3(1e5f, 1e5f, 1e5f);
This makes the collisions work perfectly, I couldn’t be happier with how a car now acts when colliding with anything else, however, the car no longer rotates when going up/down an incline.
The car still rotates on the Y-axis, when I press a/d to turn the car, but won’t automatically rotate on the X or Z-axis when going up/ down an incline.
I’ve been googling around to try and find a solution, but have so far come up with nothing. The rigidbody doesn’t have any rotations or positions frozen, is anyone able to help solve this little problem?