inertiaTensor stopping automatic rotation

I’m developing a top down racing game, and the collisions were all weird and un-natural (vid here), it was suggested to me that I use inertiaTensor to fix this issue, so now I’m setting the following in Start():

goRigidbody.inertiaTensor = new Vector3(1e5f, 1e5f, 1e5f);

This makes the collisions work perfectly, I couldn’t be happier with how a car now acts when colliding with anything else, however, the car no longer rotates when going up/down an incline.

The car still rotates on the Y-axis, when I press a/d to turn the car, but won’t automatically rotate on the X or Z-axis when going up/ down an incline.

I’ve been googling around to try and find a solution, but have so far come up with nothing. The rigidbody doesn’t have any rotations or positions frozen, is anyone able to help solve this little problem?

Well, how annoying, I’ve just figured it out by myself, though I’m not sure I understand it.

Changing the 2 axis that I want to rotate on freely (X and Z) to a lower value than the Y-axis, it now rotates correctly.

Working code:

goRigidbody.inertiaTensor = new Vector3(1e3f, 1e5f, 1e3f);

(X-axis and Z-axis changed to 1e3f from 1e5f)