Infinite Jumping issue [Unity3D and Invector]

Sorry if I’m posting this on the wrong section or anything, I’m new to the forum. :frowning: [I don’t know if this should go in Answers.]

To reproduce:
-Get the free version of the Invector controller
-Give the character controller another mesh (basically another character with a rig)
[-Animate it (optional, still jumping infinitely without animations)]
-Run a playtest and spam-jump.

I have only modified the Invector Camera Script to add a zoom feature, but i didn’t add or delete any other lines on the Camera script or any other script/s.


i am not sure if i understanded source of your problem. If its when you tap jump button and keep pressed, you jumping infinetly. You probably need any ground check and call jump function once per key pressed. There are tons of tutorials about it. Example:

if i missunderstand point of your problem, sry maybe try it explain little deeper?