Ingame Cutscenes with Unity3d


i’ve been toying around with the trial of Unity and so far im really impressed.
Is there a possibilty to make ingame engine cutscenes including dolly shots, emotion/reaction shots etc? What would the best approach to make these kind of scenes?


I’ve never done it but I don’t see why you couldn’t. You could program the camera in unity for dolly etc, or you could animate it in your app and parent a unity camera to it.

Thanks, i animated a camera path in my 3d app and imported it to unity, i then attached a camera to the object. Works fine so far.

If you’re using Mac OS, you might want to check out Unity 2.1:

Its built-in animation editor is Ok for camera movements, with the main benefit being that you don’t have to reproduce your scene in your 3D app.

Just rename your Unity folder to something like Unity 2.5 before you install 2.1, otherwise you’ll overwrite it with the old version.

At the moment, 2.5 projects work fine in 2.1 and vice-versa, but this might change in 2.6 (at which point you’ll want to be using the 2.6 animation editor anyway).

To provide a more complete story/background behind this suggestion…

With the Unity 2.5 release we completely rewrote the editor UI. Unfortunately the animation timeline window didn’t make it in time for the 2.5 launch and so those that install 2.5 don’t have that window, yet. We are most definitely going to reintroduce it in a newer and much better state later this summer/fall. For a brief snippet as to what’s coming, read the following blog post from Nicholas Francis, our CCO:

New Animation timeline

Enjoy. :slight_smile: